Share a Form

Share your Form so visitors can submit responses. Get the public link and share it however you like - add it to Site Navigation, a Page, a News item and more.

Copy the public link for your Form

To grab the link from the Forms feature landing page, navigate to the Forms feature, find your Form and tap the ellipses [...]. From the menu, select "Share".

In the pop-up screen, click 'Copy link.'

If the pop-up didn't open, turn off ad blockers and refresh the page.
Now that you have the link to your Form, decide where you'd like to add it.
The pop-up gives you four options: Site Navigation, Photo Shuffles, News & Alerts, and Pages. Selecting any of these will take you to the appropriate feature where you can add the link to your Form.

Site Navigation

  1. Identify the menu item under which you'd like to include your Form and click "new item."
  1. Click the "Feature Page" option and then "Select a Feature."
  1. In popup select "Forms" to expand the list of forms then select the desired one.
The link name will be filled in as the form name, but you can change the link name if needed.
  1. Click "Apply Changes" at the top to save.
  1. The link to your Form will appear in the Navigation Menu of your website.

More ways to copy the public link for your Form

On the form editor, highlight the Public Link and copy it. 
Or click on the Public Link. A new tab will open showing your Form on the front-end. Highlight the URL in the browser and copy it.