Optimizing Your Homepage for the New School Year [Live Edlio Webinar]

Optimizing Your Homepage for the New School Year [Live Edlio Webinar]
7/17/2024, 10:30 AM 11:00 AM


Get ready to welcome students, parents, and staff back with a fresh and informative homepage! This interactive webinar will show you how to leverage the power of Edlio features to create an engaging and effective homepage for the new school year.

Here's what you'll learn:
- Capture Attention with Spotlight Messages
- Prioritize Access with Quicklink Recommendations
- Boost Engagement with Homepage Widgets
- Showcase School Spirit with Photo Shuffles

Don't miss this opportunity to:
- Learn best practices for homepage design and functionality in the new school year.
- Discover creative ways to use Edlio features to engage your audience.
- Get your questions answered by our experienced team during the live Q&A session.

Register today and make your school website the hub for a successful new school year!


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