Features » Staff Directory » Make email addresses visible/hidden

Make email addresses visible/hidden

1. Navigate to Staff Directory and click on "Directory Options"

2. Scroll down and find "Staff Info" section.

You will see check box for Email. When the Email is checked, your website users will be able to email the staff members in two ways:

Display Email

This option will display the email addresses. The website users can copy/paste or click the email and send an email using their email client application like Yahoo, Gmail, Outlook, etc. 
If form-based emailing is on, the email addresses will be displayed and link the website users to a contact form.

Display "Send Email" link

This option will NOT display the email addresses, however the website users can still send an email to the staff, using the Contact Form on the website if form-based emailing is enabled.

Form-based emailing

When this option is set to "Always On" and your website administrator has turned on a feature to receive secure messages, people from public website needs to login to their Google or Facebook account to submit the form. 
When the Email is unchecked, this action will completely remove your website users the ability to email staff members through your public site. 
If you need to have some staff members who requests to NOT be contacted, this can be done by going to the User Management, and editing profile page for that specific staff member. There is a checkbox under the email address that will remove the option to be contacted completely.