Features » SIS Integration » Skyward setup

Skyward setup

Getting API credentials: Endpoint, Key, Secret

Acquiring API credentials depends on how you are hosted

1a. Managed services

Make request to Skyward IT Services to set up your API and provide credentials through the Support Center
(ISCorp hosted users can also make request on ISCorp Helpdesk site)
Make sure your provider activates the API



1b. Self-Hosted

Use the API Service Launch Kit below to set up API, or you can also make IT Service request in the Support Center


Steps to take on the Edlio admin site

2. Go to Site Management > SIS Integration (If you cannot see SIS integration, please contact Edlio).

3. Choose Skyward in the dropdown menu.


4. Fill in the following fields 

  • Endpoint
  • Key 
  • Secret


5. Select "Find Schools" button

This brings up a dropdown menu where you can choose the school associated with this Edlio site. If you are a district, you will be able to save and sync all your child schools.

6. Click the "Save & Connect" button to save your settings.


7. Once the settings are saved, go ahead and sync the school(s) you chose.

You can always click "Manage Setup" button to change the settings at any time.
Automatic SIS sync will be done nightly. You can sync manually at any time.