Edit slides: crop, link, caption, and alt tag
1. Navigate to the shuffle you wish to edit.
2. Use the thumbnails at the bottom to find and tap on the slide you want to edit.
3. Edit the slide
- crop and rotate the image to control how much to show
- link the slide so that when someone clicks on it on the public website it opens a webpage
- add a caption and choose its position on the slide
- add an alt tag to help with accessibility
4. Remember to Save your changes.
Crop & rotate
1. To crop the image tap the Crop button on the top right.
2. Adjust the crop using these tools and then save:
- zoom in and zoom out
- rotate the image
- move and resize the crop outline on the image
When a viewer taps on this image in the slideshow on the public website, you can have it open a link. The link opens in a new tab or window, depending on the viewer's browser settings.
1. To link an image tap the Link button on the top right.
2. Enter the website address (URL) you want this image to open and then save.
Caption & caption placement
1. On the top right tap Caption Position to choose whether the caption appears at the top or bottom of the image.
2. To add the caption Click to add text.
3. After you've typed the caption you can select all or part of it to format.
In the example below the entire caption is set to centered and H2 (header size 2). And now the word American is highlighted and set to italic.
These styles apply to the entire caption: H1, H2, H3, left align, center align, right align.
These options only apply to the text you have selected: bold, italic, and link.
Important, using the link caption button only adds the link to the specific words you selected in the caption. If you want the entire slide to be linked you must use the Link button that appears by the Crop button.
Click outside the edit area to return to the other slide layout options.
Alternate Text (alt tag)
When a browser does not load the image or if someone is using a screen reader, the alternative text provides the person with more information about the image.