Technical Topics » Manage multiple Edlio sites » Grant Multisite Management Access to Users

Grant Multisite Management Access to Users

This feature will be available in early July.
This feature is exclusively available to Super Admin users within district sites.

Multisite Management empowers super admins to precisely control which subset of school sites a user can access. This feature grants flexibility and efficiency in managing user permissions from the district site.

Assigning Multisite Management Access

Only Super Admins have the authority to assign Multisite Management access to users. Administrators can delegate permissions to each user that allows them to log in across multiple sites. Learn more about managing multisite users.
Learn about different account types here.

Change site access per site

1. To grant a user access to an individual site, navigate to User Management in your admin dashboard.

2. Locate and select the user's profile.

3. Switch to the "Multisite Access" tab within the user's profile.

4. Find the website you wish to grant access to and click on the "Change Site Access" button. You can also search for the website or use the sorting feature to locate it quickly.

5. In the pop-up modal, choose the site access level you want to grant to this user and hit "Change". By default, the Standard user access level is selected.

Bulk change site access

1. To grant access to multiple sites for a user in bulk, follow steps 1 through 3 as outlined above.

2. Use the checkboxes to select the websites for which you want to change the site access. You can select all websites by clicking on the checkbox at the top.

3. Click on the "Bulk Change Site Access" button.

4. In the pop-up modal, choose the site access level you want to grant to this user and hit "Change". This action will update the user's site access for all the selected websites.