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Best Practices for Passwords

Helpful tips to consider when setting-up a secure password:

  • Longer passwords are better, try to use between 12 to 20 characters
  • It should contain a variety of letters, numbers & special characters (%!@#4216)
  • Do not include anything identifiable such as your name, username, school name, birthday, phone number, address, or mother's maiden name
  • Use multiple, unique passwords across different sites and services
  • Avoid commonly used passwords like "password1", "12345678", "qwertyuiop"
  • When updating a password, do not change just one or two characters; instead, create a new, unique password
Following these guidelines makes it harder for people or computers to guess your password. To help keep your passwords secure, never share them via text message or email.

Passwords used to log into your school's website must meet the following criteria:

  • Be at least 12 characters
  • Include at least one number
  • Include at least one symbol
  • Include at least one uppercase letter
  • Not contain your name, username, or school name
  • Not be a commonly used password or a dictionary word
For more information on creating secure passwords, please visit LastPass and 1Password.