Features » Links » Publish, Unpublish, Delete, and Reorder Links

Publish, Unpublish, Delete, and Reorder Links

First, go to the Links topic

1. Navigate to Links.

2. Select the Section and Topic to view and manage the links within it.

Then change link visibility and order as desired


Publish / Unpublish

Published links are visible to website visitors. To keep a link in the admin site but hide it from website visitors, select "Unpublish" from the options menu.
Unpublished links are only visible in the admin site. Website visitors can't see them.
Unpublished links have a disabled icon next to their name. When you're ready to show the link to website visitors again, select "Publish" from the options menu.
To remove a link from both the admin and public site, select "Delete" from the options menu.
Reorder links to put them in the order you desire. Click and hold on the 6-dots icon and drag the link to the new position in the list.
This will also reorder them on the public site!