Features » Links » Add, Edit and Move Links

Add, Edit and Move Links

First, go to the Links topic

1. Navigate to Links

2. Select the Section and Topic to view and manage the links within it.

If you have lots of links, it's a great idea to create additional topics to organize the links into groups.
You will only see the sections you have permission to edit.

If you see the Topic menu but not the Section menu, then you only have permission to edit your Personal Links and that is what you are editing.

Then perform the desired actions


1. To add a new link, click the 'Add Link' button.

2. Add the Title and Link and then Save.

You may also add a description and add an icon.

1. Click on the link you want to edit or select "Edit" from the dropdown menu.

2. Make the desired changes and Save.


1. Click on the link to edit it. 

2. Select the new topic / section and Save.