Payments Overview

Create forms which accept payments for items such as donations, fees, tickets and merchandise.
You can already take payments on your website if you are in the U.S. For all other customers, please reach out to your Client Success Specialist or call 877-646-0500 to find out how you can take form payments.

Advantages of Forms and Payments

  • Self-serve -- you can create and edit forms with payments at any time; no need to contact our support team.
  • Unlimited -- create as many forms, with or without payments, as you want.
  • Reporting -- easily view and manage form responses and see a sales summary of purchases.
  • Management -- change form options at any time to control who is notified of new responses, when the form opens and closes, and more.
  • Easy money -- money from purchases goes directly into your Edlio Pay account. Transfer money to your bank account bi-monthly.

The payments enhancement adds three new form fields that you can add to any form:

  • Items -- to sell tickets, fees, or merchandise. Each item can include a title, description, image, purchase price, purchase quantities, available inventory and variations (such as small, medium, large).
  • Multiple choice -- great for donations or tiered pricing. Multiple choice provides suggested amounts to choose from along with optional descriptions for each level.
  • Open -- free-form payment option. Collect variable amounts such as donations or pay-what-you-can.