Send voice messages

Important: Make sure your browser's ad blocking extensions are turned off before starting.

1. On the top right side, click New Message.

2. Enter recipients

You may enter recipients in one or more ways:

  • type in individual phone numbers separated by commas,
  • type in the names of contact lists separated by commas,
  • select contact lists by clicking Add Existing,
  • upload one or more .csv files containing the phone numbers of your recipients by tapping Upload New (find out more about .csv files).

3. Enter a subject and write your message

4. Select your audio preference

You have two choices for your outgoing message:
  • record your message in your own voice
  • have the text-to-speech service voice your script (sometimes referred to as a robocall)

Record your message in your own voice

If you select this option the Edlio voice messaging system will call you at the phone number you enter so that you can record your outgoing message.
This is not the phone number used to send your voice message. Your recipients will see a previously designated phone number on their caller ID.
  1. Enter your phone number and tap Call Me. You'll receive a call from the automated system.
  1. After the beep say what's in your script. Press * when you're finished recording.
  2. Press 1 to listen to your recording. Press # to re-record.
  3. When satisfied with your recording press * to save and exit the system.

Use the text-to-speech service to create the audio

If you select this option the Edlio voice messaging system will speak your script for you.
The system will say exactly what you wrote in your script. We encourage you to begin with a brief introduction.

5. Send your voice message

Now you’re ready to send your alert. You can either Send Now or schedule it to Send Later.

6. View message status

After you send your message, you can see its status in the list of all voice messages. Refresh the page to see changes in status. If your message is scheduled to be sent later, you have to the option to Edit or Cancel the message before it’s sent out.
Note: Voice Messages will only be sent to the first non-blank number for each contact in the following order: Phone 1, Phone 2, Cell.