Publish and unpublish pages

Sometimes you may wish to hide certain pages. You can unpublish the pages until you are ready to share them. When you want to show them again, you can publish them.
Unpublishing a currently published page will break any links pointing to it.

If you are editing the page you wish to hide

1. Click the "Actions" button on the top right.

2. From the dropdown, select "Unpublish".

When you are ready to show the page on your website, click "Publish" at the bottom of the page.

If you are viewing the list of pages in the section

1. Select "Unpublish" from the page tools menu.

Unpublished pages show a disabled icon next to their name. You can select "Publish" from the page tools menu when you're ready to show the page on your website again.
Note: Unpublished pages will still show up when searching pages in the admin.