Features » User Management » Add a new user

Add a new user

Indication dots are displayed to highlight sections where you've marked or completed fields. Orange indication dots specifically indicate incomplete fields that need attention.

1. Tap New User on the top right corner in User Management.

2. Fill out all the required fields

Required fields will be marked with asterisks.
  1. username
  2. first name
  3. last name
  4. password
  5. email address
When creating a password, make sure it is unique and secure. Please click here to review best practices for passwords.

3. Use the tab to navigate to "Site Access" to grant user types and permissions.

Under the section User Type check the appropriate group for the user.

Only users checked as school staff (Other Employees, School Administrators or Teachers) will appear in the Staff Directory on the public website. Learn more about user types. You can also learn more about site-wide access permissions.

4. Grant edit permissions for Pages by tabbing to the "Categories & Sections" and checking "Edit Access" for the desired page categories or sections.

You can give this user the ability to edit specific categories and sections in Pages
Feel free to skip this step for web administrators, as they already have access to all page categories and sections.

5. Grant additional admin access

In the Additional Edit & Access Privileges you can allow the user to access and manage certain admin features, specific news feeds, or specific event calendars.

6. Allow access to Password-Protected Areas

Users must login and have permission to view a Password-Protected Area before they can see it. Password-Protected Areas cannot be seen by the public.

Learn how to set up a password protected area.

7. Save to finish creating the user.