Features » Pages: Manage Pages  » Save a draft of a page

Save a draft of a page

Sometimes you may wish to edit pages without publishing those edits immediately. In this case, you can save a draft of a page until you are ready for it to show on your website. You can save a draft of a page that is either published or unpublished.
Note: When saving edits as a draft on a published page, the edits will not appear on your website; however, the most recent published version of the page will still remain visible.

If you are editing a page and you wish to save a draft

1. Make your edits.

2. Click "Save Draft" on the bottom of the page.

If your draft saved properly, it will be indicated as such in the top right-hand corner. Your changes have been saved, but won’t be published or visible on your website.
When viewing the list of pages in a section, any page that contains unpublished edits will be indicated by a "Draft" icon. 
Multiple drafts of a page cannot be saved. Only the most recent edits to the page will remain saved. Edits saved as a draft will not show up in the page's Publish History.

When you are done editing the draft and ready to show the changes on your website

1. Click the "Publish" button on the bottom right.

Once a draft is Published, those changes will now show in the page's Publish History

Preview your draft

Navigate to Preview Draft in the Actions Menu. You can preview the draft in desktop, tablet, and mobile view.