Features » Access+ Conversations » Joining or Ending Conversations from the Dashboard

Joining or Ending Conversations from the Dashboard

Joining A Conversation

Step 1: Select 'Conversations' in the app menu

Conversations button

Step 2: To join an existing Conversation select Join

Join button

Step 3: Then search and/or pick the conversation you wish to join.

conversation search

Step 4: After clicking Join, a request will be sent to the Conversation owner if “Requires approval” was selected by the owner.

owner approval

Ending A Conversation

Step 1: Open the Conversation

Step 2: Go to Settings by clicking the wrench icon.

wrench button

Step 3: Select 'Close' from the drop down menu 

close button

Closed conversations are still READ-ONLY viewable by all participants, and can be reopened or deleted by the owner.