Hero Layout
By selecting one of the the "hero layout" options, you can add one or more images, or a Section Menu, to the top of the page.
In your admin and on your public website, the hero area will appear above the page title. Only photo blocks, Section Menus, and buttons can be added to the hero area of the page.
Photos in a hero area can be added, adjusted and removed similarly to photos in a photo block.
By clicking the gear icon on the photo block, you can choose to make the image "Constrained" to fit the center of the page, or "Full" to be full-width across the page, edge-to-edge.
Below is an example of a hero image set to Constrained and then set to Full:
Please note, while "hero layouts" and edge-to-edge images are compatible with most website designs, sometimes a specific element of a site design may interfere with proper presentation. In instances such as this, our technical support team can help correct the issue.
Horizontal Section Menu
By selecting one of the the "hero layout" options you can add a Section Menu to the top of the page, or move the existing Section Menu to the top of the page. If you decide to have two Section Menus on the page, they will be duplicates of each other, listing exactly the same pages.
While the Section Menu in the side panel is formatted vertically, the Section Menu in the hero area is formatted horizontally.
Below is an example of a page with a Section Menu in the side panel and in the hero area.
Please note, the colors of the horizontal Section Menu in the hero area may appear in grayscale. If you would like the colors to match your site colors, please reach out to our technical support team for assistance.