Features » Edlio Access+ » Access+ Tip Line

Access+ Tip Line

The tip line is an included way for your users to submit tips to the administration. These tips are NOT anonymous (by default we collect IP address), but the form does not ask for identifying information, and an app admin can disable the collection of IP addresses, if desired. Tips are typically geared towards “See Something Say Something” type of incidents, bullying, or customizable to your special case (Custodial attention needed in the Boys Restroom)

Step 1: Under Features, click "Tip Line” 


Tip Line Icon


Step 2: Edit footer text (Optional) (This is the text that is displayed in the app when submitting a tip)


Edit footer text

Step 3: Add/Edit recipients (At least one recipient is required) This is who will receive an email with the tip information.


Add/Edit recipients


Step 4: Click “Update Settings”  


Update Settings button

Step 5: Be sure to add it to your “App Builder” to be seen in the app.